RVing with Pets: Top 5 Travel Safety Tips

Written by: Rebecca Siggers

Picture of Dog in Window

Picture Source: Pexels.com

When it comes to road-tripping, nothing quite promises comfort as much as an RV. It enables the travelers to take a trip while transporting their entire vacation home on wheels, including a snug bed, an accessible bathroom, and a fully-stocked kitchen. Thus, the perks of vacationing in an RV are mostly unmatched.

Moving on, one of the most significant benefits of traveling in an RV is that your whole family can travel together, even your dearest pets. And this idea of taking your pet on an RV camping trip endears many.

So, if you plan to go road tripping with your pet in an RV, here are some helpful tips that you must bear in mind. After all, the successful planning of the trip is what makes sure that you thoroughly enjoy it.


1.     Remember the rules of the road

Many of you would want to take long road trips, in which case the RV becomes your home. And so it may feel normal to permit your pet to move around while you are driving to the destination. However, it is the most dangerous thing to do.

You may be very confident about your driving skills but it is important to note that anything can happen on the road. And getting into an accident and injuring your pet because of someone else’s driving mistake would be the last thing you’d want.

Also, wandering pets may cause a distraction while you are driving, leading up to ill-fated events. So it is essential to put your pet in a dog seat belt or expandable dog crates so that your pet can stay in one place throughout the journey. If you opt for a crate, make sure it is securely tied so it won’t slide around. This will help prevent the pet from moving too much or getting injured.

2.     Help your pet get acquainted with the RV

This is an important tip to ensure that your pet does not suddenly feel overwhelmed. You can start by placing a few of your pet’s belongings in the RV and then bringing them in to sniff around. At first, some pets may indicate signs of anxiety by whining or pacing. It is best to ignore the behavior and try to calm them down in a soothing voice.

You can bring the pet to the RV and feed them treats every day for a while till they get acquainted with the environment. You can also familiarize them with the engine sound so that they do not feel nervous or panicked.

3.     Bring along all the necessary supplies

This one is a given, but it’s also vital. While traveling with your pet, you must make sure that you carry all the necessary tools to have a great vacation. Like humans, they too need some supplies to last them for the entire trip.

The best way is to prepare a list of all such things that your pet may need during an RV adventure. Some of the top things to include are a leash, collar, bedding set, toys, water, and food bowl, medications, and cleaning supplies for accidents.

Apart from this, pack his favorite treats. Also, proof of vaccinations is essential as most hotel properties and camping sites request it.

4.     Offer exercise and mental stimulation


Picture Source: Pexels.com

All pets, especially dogs, need exercise. At home, they are used to a routine of running around and frequent exercise. For them to sit in an RV for hours without any place to run around is more like torture.

So, it is crucial to find pet-friendly parks along the way so that your beloved pet can take frequent breaks and stretch a leg. This will also be an excellent opportunity for your pet to socialize in a new place.

Once you have reached your destination, you can take them for a walk or jog to enjoy their time outdoors. Try to provide your pet with the same amount of exercise as you typically do at home to keep them active and in routine.


5.  Have a solid plan in case of an emergency

Although emergencies are unlikely, it is good to stay prepared. A road journey can often kick in anxiety in pets, leading to different gastrointestinal troubles. The unpleasant situation can even lead to bouts of diarrhea as well as reduced appetite.

To effectively handle such situations, keep the contact number of a local veterinarian handy. Also, do not let your pet go out of the RV without his collar and ID tag. This would ensure that someone can find your pet if he were to escape.

Bottom Line

All pets have unique needs and personalities. Most of the time, they can adapt to change much more quickly than we believe. The best way to have an incredible RV road trip with your pet is by giving them adequate time to adapt to their new home before you hit the road. Taking slow and unhurried steps will help you get your pet on board and make lasting memories for a lifetime.



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