How Choosing to Camp Can Make the Difference.


In a world full of technology, large workloads, and infinite societal pressures, taking a break seems near impossible at times. We collectively feel the constant need to perform in modern day society. We often disconnect from reality by streaming our favorite shows and doom scrolling on our phones, which has only made us disconnect from one another. With Loneliness and depression at an all-time high, it’s important to make a continued effort to connect with loved ones and step away from technology when possible, camping being excellent way to achieve that.

Sheffield Hallam University performed a study in 2022 with 11,000 camping and non-camping participants. Here are some of the findings from that study, the Outjoyment Report.

· 97% of campers said they started camping, because finding happiness was their top motivator

· 48% of these campers said to have felt some form of happiness daily compared to the 35% of non-campers

· 93% say they enjoy an overall better wellbeing (85% increase since 2011)

· 44% feel as if they have optimal mental health (this number increases with how often a person camps) compared to the 31% non campers

· 88% of campers say they feel overall less stressed.

So whether you chose to go with the ones you love or solo.. just know the benefits you will gain along the way can be life altering.

Reduced stress 🌲 Exercise 🌲 Vitamin D 🌲 Improved sleep 🌲 Connection with nature 🌲 Boosts Mood 🌲 Increased creativity 🌲 Boosted immune system 🌲 Fights depression & anxiety 🌲 Relationship building 🌲 Boosted immune system

Beckley’s Rvs knows the importance of our employee’s mental health and how important it is to take care of you. We all have circumstances outside of the office that can affect our overall wellbeing, so we not only encourage our employees to take time off, we provide a way to do so. All employees are welcomed to reserve one of the dealership’s motor homes and go explore with their family and friends. We at Beckley’s know the importance of being present in the great outdoors truly makes.. and that’s #Beckleysdifference.

Unplug, Recharge & Reset.

Start at Beckley’s RVs

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